4-H Service, Innovative Education, and Philanthropy Grants Application Form

(Names of Team Members)

Grant Application


See example (opens in a separate tab)

(Please indicate if funding is pending)

(Do you have any other support for the project?)


Following Grant Approval

Your club or team will be expected to submit photos and impact information. The Youth Trustees will anticipate seeing a written description of the project success, and data that applies to the project and photos (with releases).

Please Note: The Youth Trustees in Philanthropy will not support individuals, illegal activities or any other costs not in compliance with 4-H Youth Development program, Maine 4-H Foundation or University of Maine policies. The Youth Trustees may at times limit funding to areas financially supported by the donor request until such time that the Youth Trustees have developed a general fund.

Questions: Please Contact Susan Jennings at 615-7300 and one of the Youth Trustees will get in touch with your youth leadership representative.

University of Maine Cooperative Extension
15 Estabrooke Drive
Orono, ME 04469
1.800.287.0274 (in Maine)
E-Mail: extension@maine.edu